I learned about Gabriela Pereira's DIY MFA program and writing community from a session she hosted at the 2020 Writer's Digest Novel Writers Conference. I felt an immediate connection to her holistic approach to being a writer and the craft of writing and am happy to count myself among the word nerd community.
That's why when I received an email about the Writer Igniter Reading Challenge, I was eager to sign up. I've wanted to read more frequently, and with purpose, so this opportunity came at the perfect time. The gist of the challenge is that participants choose a book to read during January. Unlike the average book club, we are reading the book as writers, critically and observationally. We'll receive prompts about three times a week that feed our challenge notes, which we are encouraged to blog or journal. I'll be tracking mine via blog posts.
Part of the exercise is to be socially accountable, and I'll be posting tweets when a new post is available. My blog post for the first prompt of the challenge Choose a book will go live on January 6th.
Cheers :)